Episode #15 – Lessons from serial, successful entrepreneur & lifelong learner, Joe Chura, President of Go Brewing

Joe Chura, the president and founder of Go Brewing, shares his journey from working on the assembly line at Ford to diving into entrepreneurship with Dealer Inspire and Launching Digital Marketing.
Episode #14 – Kat Zander: Building a business on a foundation of resilience, authenticity, empathy & hope

Kat Zander is a marketing expert turned entrepreneur and consultant. This conversation weaves through resilience, personal growth, being a woman in a male dominated industry and being a working mom.
Episode #13 – High performance humans in athletics and entrepreneurship w Colette Beyer, founder of DRIVEN HUMAN

In this conversation, Colette Beyer & I discuss the overlap between high-performance athletics and high-performance executives. We explore topics such as mindset, athletics, parenting, and entrepreneurship.
Episode #12 – The best mindset for entrepreneurship: a podcast with Kevin Oldham

In this conversation, I chat with Kevin Oldham about his current focus on building an entrepreneurial ecosystem and his new venture called VUCA fit, which aims to help entrepreneurs improve their mental health and overall well-being.
Episode #11 – She “Started From The Bottom” & Now She’s Bringing Studio Pilates to the US: January Swiderski

In this episode of The Society Pod, we discuss the background and growth of Studio Pilates, the benefits of Pilates for all demographics, the challenges and opportunities in franchising, and the importance of diversity and inclusion in the industry.
Episode #10 – Creativity, Parenting, Branding and Personal Development with Damien Noble Andrews

My conversation with Damien Noble Andrews weaves through a broad spectrum of themes, including creativity, branding, personal development and gender dynamics. Damien shares his perspective on the importance of embracing imperfections and being present in creative endeavors and how he’s bringing this to life in his parenting.
Episode #9 – Bringing authenticity to entrepreneurship, content & branding: A conversation with Grace Nikae

In this conversation, Grace Nikae shares perspective from her diverse career that spans writing, marketing, branding and entrepreneurship… but it all started with her growing up as a concert pianist.
Episode #8 – Q&A Day with Debbie Bellenger: A Gameplan for a Career in Fitness and Corporate Wellness

Debbie Bellenger, a fitness industry expert, discusses her experience and challenges in the industry. She shares her goal of regaining her corporate salary and working at her full potential. Debbie breaks down her revenue streams and the percentage breakdown.
Episode #7 – Calling All Entrepreneurs 🚨 (Or Aspiring Entrepreneurs!): A Conversation with Jeff Sarris

Jeff Sarris is a serial entrepreneur. He’s been playing the game since 2009 and during this podcast, we discuss his journey as an entrepreneur and the multiple businesses he is involved in. He shares his passion for branding and how his company, Spyr, helps clients develop their businesses.
Episode #6 – From Leadership to Issues Plaguing Mid-Career Women to Red Light Therapy: A Talk w Brynn Scarborough

In this episode, I chat with Brynn Scarborough, CEO and President of JK Products and Services, on a range of topics, including wellness and recovery as well as why women drop out of the workforce and how we can better support each other.